100th Mediator Trained

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100th Mediator Trained

The Centre recently awarded its hundredth certificate since achieving Credit-rating Centre status by the SCQF.

Ian McDonough, the Centre's Manager said ‘It’s wonderful that the 100th person to be accredited under our new externally-validated course is from the most northerly mediation service in Scotland. Congratulations to Judith and to Shetland Community Mediation.’

Judith very recently joined the Community Mediation Team and so the timing of the course was perfect. Judith reflected on the course saying how it “Introduced a new perspective, a new way of working with people. It is a unique way of working and very different from ways of intervention I have employed before.” ” Crucially, I learned the need to be impartial; whilst being reassured that at times I may not be entirely ‘neutral’ and this is an important distinction.” “Learning I can bring elements of myself into the Mediation process in tandem with the use of new skills learnt, means I can work uniquely within the structure of Community Mediation.”

Her manager, Alyson Halcrow added "Judith is a great addition to the team and I was chuffed to learn she was the 100th person ‘certified’ this year!!!"

The Centre runs mediation training courses throughout the year, our next being in Glasgow in March 2015. If interested, contact us for further information.


Certificate presented to Judith by her manager Alyson.

Written by
Robert Lambden
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