Briefing Papers

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Briefing Papers

Are you looking for information and advice on a particular aspect of mediation practice? Our Community Mediation Briefing Papers are intended to assist practising and trainee mediators by providing advice and guidance on practical issues that may arise in the course of mediation practice.

Please note some references to legislation and some contact details may not be up to date. Contact SCMC if you have any queries.

15 Giving and Receiving Feedback

What is feedback? It is a way of learning more about ourselves and the effect our behaviour has on others.....

14 Co-Mediating

Most but not all community mediators work in pairs, both in initial visits to clients and particularly in mediation

13 Practice Supervision for Mediators

All mediators, whether working singly or in large organisations, need a structured opportunity to reflect on their individual practice and to ensure their continued professional development....

12 Shuttle Mediation

Shuttle mediation is simply the process of mediators assisting the parties involved in a conflict to reach agreement without them being present in the same room at a mediation meeting....

11 Large Group Mediation

Large group mediations are becoming more frequent as the number of mediation services grows and the range of disputes they are prepared to get involved in expands....

10 Working with Interpreters

Clear communication and understanding are necessary for the success of any mediation....

9 Power Imbalances in Mediation

Power is the ability to influence events or outcomes, and to have an effect on the perceptions and actions of 

8 Personal Safety for Mediators

Personal safety focuses on avoiding, reducing or managing violent or aggressive behaviour. We all have the right to live and work in safety and those rights are protected in law....

7 Discrimination

Mediation services and individual mediators need to be aware of the many forms discrimination can take and be willing to change practices, which, however unintentional, may be discriminatory....

6 The Effects of Loss and Life Changes

Each person’s response to loss and life changes depends on a number of influences at the time. Factors that affect our ability to cope include....

5 Learning Difficulties

Children and adults with learning disabilities will have more difficulty in learning how to do things, adapting to 
new situations and coping independently....

4 Cultural Issues in Mediation

When we think of culture, we may think of art, dress, religion, language, food or the ‘total range of activities 
and ideas of a people’ ....

3 Child Protection Guidelines for Mediators

The purpose of this briefing note is to provide information to community mediators, both paid and volunteer, on the responsibilities of, and the approach taken by a Community Mediation Service to instances or alleged instances of possible child abuse. You should check the procedures of your own Mediation Service....

2 Mental Health

It is useful to think of mental health as a point on a continuum. Good mental health is when we feel well and able to cope with changing circumstances....

1 The Effects of Alcohol and Drug Misuse

The purpose of this briefing paper is to give general guidance on how this may affect the role of the mediator. In the context of this paper the terms drug misuse and drug use should be read as meaning....